KARE Malawi
KARE Children's Home

Although we are the ones with feet on the ground in Malawi we know that this work takes the involvement of many. We are in need of people to partner with us in this work in Malawi. Of course this means by way of monthly financial support but not limited to this. We are in need of prayer warriors, people to raise funds, contacts in churches wanting to be involved with us and more.

As we continue to grow, the need for more and continued support also increases. 

We are now in a stage of building some new buildings in order to facilitate the growth and the new school. 

We encourage you to prayerfully consider partnering with us as we move ahead. 

If you do not currently receive our newsletters and would like to, then please fill out the form below. 

Also if you wish to follow along with our adventures in Malawi please ask us to be your friend on face book. Steward Gould and Joan Gould or like our facebook page KARE Malawi Ministries page 

Our web page has all the info on what we are about and how to donate if you wish. 

Steward and Joan

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